A Few Basics About Residences Listed In Fairfax County
Nesbitt Realty thinks 2394 Stella Place is a very interesting condo in Alexandria, Virginia. It's probably a good value. However, Nesbitt Realty can't recommend that you buy this place of residence right now. That's because, Nesbitt Realty's goal isn't to sell you
this condo. Nesbitt Realty's goal is to help you to Spot your dream property. As a buyer, you have a lot of decisions to make about what's important to you.
In general, these are not particularly difficult decisions, On the other hand they are decisions that only you can make. For example:
How important is it that you stay in
22303? Have you considered neighboring areas? How many baths do you need? 2394 Stella Place has 2 full baths. What about half baths? 2394 Stella Place has 1 half baths. How much space do you need? How much space do you want? The average sized home in
Huntington Crossing is 2,130.
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