Category: Somerville Hill
3201 Hatcher St, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory
4 Bedroom in 22303 in Fairfax County Asking $599,000
If you're considering a dwelling like 3201 Hatcher St, then this could a good place to start your education about purchasing real estate in the 22303 in Fairfax County area.Real Estate Basics About The Alexandria Area
- The median age of homes in the Alexandria area is 44 years. 3201 Hatcher St is 67 years old.
- The Alexandria Area has an average price per square foot of $476 . Still, 3201 Hatcher St is $621 per sqft.
- The average days on market in the Alexandria area is 55 days.
- The average living area in the Alexandria area is 1,707 sqft. However, 3201 Hatcher St has 965 sqft of living area.
- Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Alexandria area?
Who Can Handle Your Rental ?
Whether you are a novice or an experienced investor, Nesbitt Realty can guide you to actualize your desires. Nesbitt Realty manages places for lease in 22303 in Fairfax County.
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