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2316 Victory Dr, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement

$515,000 ⁙ Alexandria Virginia 22303

Contact us to learn more about 2316 Victory Dr in 22303 in Fairfax County. [random_content group=but}, in the meantime, here's some basic information to get you started.

The 22303 Area Reasons

  • The average days on market in the 22303 area is 22 days.
  • The average living area in the 22303 area is 1,347 sqft. In contrast, 2316 Victory Dr has 816 sqft of living area.
  • The 22303 Area has an average price per square foot of $631 . On the other hand, 2316 Victory Dr is $631 per sqft.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22303 area?
  • 2603 Redcoat Dr #1 A 259 is the least expensive home in the 22303 area. 2603 Redcoat Dr #1 A 259 is listed for $155,000. Nevertheless, 3401 Tennessee Dr is the highest-priced home in the 22303 area. 3401 Tennessee Dr is asking $1,250,000.
  • The median age of homes in the 22303 area is 56 years. 2316 Victory Dr is 76 years old.
What is more, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. But even so, this info will change.  What is true and accurate today, 06/16/2023, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Will Nesbitt for the latest real estate info from the 22303 area or for information about duplexes comparable to 2316 Victory Dr. Continue reading "2316 Victory Dr, Alexandria Real Estate Announcement"
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Establishing Real Estate Goals For Your Interesting Duplex In 22303 In Fairfax County

I am Stuart Nesbitt. I'm a local agent and I work hard everyday in and around condominiums in 22303. Photo of 2134 Farrington Ave I see a lot to like about 2134 Farrington Ave and I'd love to recommend it to you, but I can't. That's because this intriguing mid 20th-century duplex in 22303 in Alexandria, is not the right home for every buyer in Northern VA. Continue reading "Establishing Real Estate Goals For Your Interesting Duplex In 22303 In Fairfax County"
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How Much Does Real Estate Cost In 22303 By The Square Foot?

How Much Does A Small Duplex Cost In 22303 in Alexandria?

For most buyer clients, the actual amount of living area in a property is a vital concern. Above all, for some buyers square footage of living is not a particularly important consideration Photo of 5703 Fenwick Dr Depending upon your prequalified spending limit, you may want to dream about 5703 Fenwick Dr, Alexandria VA which is available for $549,000. Continue reading "How Much Does Real Estate Cost In 22303 By The Square Foot?"
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2203 Farrington Ave, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory

Real Estate Details In The Alexandria Area

When it comes time to buy a residence, many buyers have a pretty clear idea of what they want to buy and how much they want to pay. 2203 Farrington Ave is in 22303 and has been available for 1 days. This home has 986 sqft of above grade living area. The seller is asking $460,000. If you've set your budget near $460,000 and you're looking in 22303 you may want to compare a real estate purchase at 2203 Farrington Ave. Continue reading "2203 Farrington Ave, Alexandria Real Estate Advisory"

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