What Can I Purchase In 22303 in Fairfax County For $350,000?
Nesbitt Realty appreciates working with home shoppers seeking 1 bedroom homes in Fairfax County. This affordable place of residence listed at 2451 Midtown Ave #1418 now might be the most suitable property for you for you. What is more, you will possibly be surprised by what this residence has in store for buyers.
Luxury living at MIDTOWN ALEXANDRIA CONDO! Steps from Metro station. Premium PANORAMIC VIEWS from 14th floor condo. Property includes TWO reserved parking spaces PLUS storage unit. Upgraded hardwood flooring, Stainless Steel appliances, granite ... [Read more]
![2451 Midtown Ave #1418 Photo of 2451 Midtown Ave #1418]()
$340,000 |-| 1 bed |-| 1 bath |-| 0 half-bath |-|
Alexandria 22303 VA
About The Same Size As 2451 Midtown Ave #1418 In 22303?
All the homes in this table are about the same living area as 2451 Midtown Ave #1418. Why compare properties of a similar size to 2451 Midtown Ave #1418 in 22303? Actually, by comparing similarly-sized residences, a property hunter can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in 22303.
Neighborhoods In Alexandria With Selections Around $340,000
All the enclaves in this table have condos selling which are approximately the same price as 2451 Midtown Ave #1418. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing some neighborhoods, a property seeker can better understand what is really available in Alexandria.
![2451 Midtown Ave #1418 Photo of 2451 Midtown Ave #1418]()
Updated information about
2451 Midtown Ave #1418 |-|
Midtown Alexandria Station Condominium |-|
Alexandria |-|
22303 |-|
Alexandria Home Buying Pointers
Nesbitt's useful information of the day for buyers looking at 2451 Midtown Ave #1418 in Alexandria
Share your needs and search area with Nesbitt Realty. Then Nesbitt Realty will find enclaves in 22303 in Alexandria that you don’t know much about but that might suit your needs better than you’d thought. 2451 Midtown Ave #1418 is currently listed at $340,000. This condo has 790 sqft of above grade living area. Nesbitt Realty will rebate approximately $1,293 to our client when they use Nesbitt Realty as their buyer agent. In Fairfax County, condos are typically 27 years old. Nesbitt Realty can help you find opportunities in Alexandria not listed on home search sites and can help you avoid out-of-date listings that might be showing up as listed online but are no longer listed for sale. If you're thinking of purchasing in Alexandria, Nesbitt Realty is a great resource. In fact, there is no charge for consulting with him and no obligation.
Compare 2451 Midtown Ave #1418 To
Nesbitt Realty can aid you, if you would like to learn more about 2451 Midtown Ave #1418 or any of the places below. Besides, if needed, Nesbitt can provide details and more information.
Nesbitt Realty can help.
If you're interested in saving $1,293 on a purchase at Midtown Alexandria Station Condominium, email Nesbitt Realty for details. Not to mention, purchasing a dwelling in the Alexandria area and staying on several years allows you and your family time to build long-lasting relationships within the Fairfax County community.