Noteworthy Large 6-Bedroom Residence ↔ Alexandria VA 22310
Will Nesbitt appreciates 6104 Stegen Dr. This place at Midwood Estates in 22310 looks like a good value for several reasons. However, Will Nesbitt is not recommending you buy this home in particular. That's because, until Will Nesbitt know your goals there is no way for Will Nesbitt to know if this is the ideal residence for you. It's a smart idea to sort out your priorities. What do you absolutely need from your home? What would be nice if you could find it?
Your Nesbitt Realty agent would love to talk through your options. A few of the issues to sort through:
How many bedrooms do you need? 6104 Stegen Dr is a 6-bedroom detached home. How many bedrooms do you need? 6104 Stegen Dr is a 6-bedroom detached home. How important is it that you stay in
22310? Have you considered neighboring areas?
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