2 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
Home size: 1,064 sqft
Added: 01/30/21, Last Updated: 03/15/2021
Property Type: Condo for Sale
MLS Number: VAAX255634
Subdivision: Watergate At Landmark
<!--List Price: 239500.00
-->Julie Nesbitt can provide information on Alexandria utilities, the City of Alexandria zoning, and what schools serve 22304. Julie Nesbitt adheres to a strict code of Realtor ethics. This code is based on professionalism and protection of the public. To check out this condo, contact Julie Nesbitt. Julie Nesbitt can also help you with these similarly priced properties around Alexandria. Our small business gets big results.**LIVING IS EASY & AWESOME HERE!** WATERGATE AT LANDMARK**RESORT WORTHY AMENITIES ON SITE**INDOOR & OUTDOOR POOLS**FITNESS CENTER & SAUNAS**PUTTING GREEN & VOLLEY BALL**TENNIS COURTS INDOOR/OUTDOOR**RAQUETBALL COURT**WORKOUT ROOMS & … [Read more]
From $189,500 to $289,500
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