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Alexandrians Show Thanks To Inova Alexandria

A sign of thanks hangs outside Inova Alexandria Hospital
According to the Alexandria Gazette Packet, "Residents in the surrounding neighborhood of Inova Alexandria Hospital wanted to find a way to show their thanks to the medical staff and health care providers working during the COVID-19 crisis. A handmade sign of appreciation was placed at the entrance to the hospital while a large banner was hung on a parking lot fence. “The doctors, nurses, aides, support staff, cleaning crews and everyone else at Inova are on the frontlines during this difficult time,” said Janet Hawkins, who provided the signs of appreciation along with Dave Wormser. “We don’t have the opportunity to thank them in person, so this seemed like a small way to express our appreciation for all they do."

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5 Most Romantic Spots In Alexandria

Alexandria has some of the most romantic places in the DC area, in fact, Amazon ranked it #1 most romantic city in the country. So whether you are looking for a romantic getaway or for the perfect place to pop the question, here are some romantic spots ideas that you'll love. Continue reading
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